Wednesday, 26 October 2016

It’s Okay to Get Playful When Painting Kids’ Rooms

With most interior painting projects, we labor over complex color palettes in search of just the right hues to create an indoor environment that is sleek, subtle, or sophisticated.  But the objectives are completely different when painting kids’ rooms:  the process itself should be fun;  the end result, a room that is animated, energetic, and alive with color.

In other words, it’s okay to throw out the rule-book when painting kids’ rooms.  You’re entering a parallel painting universe where almost anything goes.  Let your color imagination run wild and you’re likely to create a wonderful space for your kids – whether it be a playroom, bedroom, or private bath.

Think in terms of strong, bright colors, especially if your kids are younger.  Apple green, sky blue, lavender, periwinkle, magenta, pink, yellow, and tangerine are all good choices for children’s rooms.  If you have any doubt, ask your kids.  They’ll tell you.

And don’t feel that you have to limit yourself to just one paint color for the walls, and another for the trim.  Those rules are for grown-ups.  In a kids’ room, the more color the merrier:  paint one wall in a different shade than the rest;   paint the window trim in one color, the molding another;  paint the ceiling;  paint some pattern on the walls.  Indulge yourself and your kids!

Once you’re satisfied with the walls, ceiling, and trim, look for furnishings that can contribute to the cornucopia of color.  Is there an old bureau, night table, or chest in the room?  Picture them painted in a playful color.  Use some of your leftover trim paint for this purpose;  or paint them in a totally different and unexpected hue to add another splash of color to the room.

Complete the color makeover with cheerful artwork, decorative accessories, and rugs or other floor coverings that pick up your paint colors.

Your kids will love their colorful new room.  And if you ever need a pick-me-up, you’ll know just where to go!

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